Our Programs



Our primary program serves children ages 3-6. Preschool and kindergarten children work alongside one another in a traditional Montessori multi-age environment. We offer both half and full day options, with the choice of 3 and 5 days per week.

Learning begins as soon as children arrive in the morning. We teach and encourage even our youngest students to hang their own coats and put away their things. Early in the year, we begin the day with a group circle; this time allows us to connect, build classroom community, and share fun lessons together.

The highlight of any Montessori day is the work cycle. For several hours, children are free to select work of their own choosing from shelves that have been carefully prepared by our teachers. Our educational methods rely on what is called choice within limits. Children choose what to work on, where in the classroom to focus on their work, and how long to sit with it, but the choices available to them lie within intentionally structured parameters. 

During the work cycle, our teachers serve as guides. They give independent and small group lessons, they redirect children who need assistance, and they observe and record what they notice individual children are doing. This allows them to constantly assess children’s development and to plan for future lessons and alterations to the prepared environment.

The morning work cycle is followed by time spent outdoors around our beautiful campus. There is time to play on the playground with friends, participate in caring for our gardens, and enjoy the differences in our seasons. Upon returning indoors they eat lunch. The afternoon allows for rest time for those who need it, as well as an afternoon work period.